Our Corporate Governance
GCCIA’s robust governance system ensures transparency, accountability, and effective oversight, which is crucial for its role in connecting the power networks of GCC countries. With a structured framework involving the General Assembly, Board of Directors, and specialized committees, GCCIA aligns its operations with regional goals, safeguards member interests, and promotes energy security and economic stability across the region.

Electricity and Water Cooperation Committee
The GCC member states established the Electricity and Water Cooperation Committee to foster collaboration in the fields of electricity and water. The committee is composed of ministers from each member state and serves as the main reference for the Advisory and Regulatory Committee.
The committee is responsible for approving interconnection expansion projects, setting tariffs and fees outlined in the Power Exchange and Trade Agreement, and reviewing reports and recommendations from the Authority and the Advisory and Regulatory Committee. Additionally, it has the authority to approve decisions under the General Agreement and the Power Exchange and Trade Agreement if the Advisory and Regulatory Committee does not reach a decision.
Advisory and Regulatory Committee
The Advisory and Regulatory Committee is composed of representatives from each GCC member state, alongside an observer appointed by the GCC General Secretariat. The role of chairman rotates among the representatives every three years, in alignment with the change in the presidency of the GCC Council, passing to the representative of the next member state in the order of presidency. This committee reports to the Electricity and Water Cooperation Committee and functions as a regional regulator for GCCIA's activities, ensuring that they align with regional policies and regulations.
General Assembly
The General Assembly oversees key aspects of the GCCIA's governance. During Ordinary General Assembly meetings, members address matters such as appointing the Board of Directors and determining their remuneration, approving the financial statements, reviewing the Board's report, appointing auditors, and considers proposals related to financing and guarantees, except for those reserved for the Extraordinary General Assembly.
The Extraordinary General Assembly holds the authority to amend the Articles of Association or Bylaws, renew the Authority's duration, and increase or decrease the share capital.
Resolutions at the General Assembly meetings are adopted by an absolute majority of the shares represented.
Board of Directors
GCCIA’s Board of Directors is comprised of twelve members, with two representatives from each member state. The roles of Chairman and Vice-Chairman rotate among the member states in alphabetical order, with both positions held by representatives from the same country for a three-year term.
The Board of Directors holds the essential powers needed to manage the Authority and is responsible for overseeing all activities to ensure they align with the Authority's objectives, without conflicting with the Bylaws or the resolutions of the General Assembly. The Board's responsibilities include developing the Authority's general policies, including operational policies, and establishing financial and administrative rules and regulations to organize the Authority's activities. It is also tasked with approving the annual general budget, managing borrowings, and concluding agreements related to reconciliation, arbitration, and other business matters of the Authority.
Planning Committee
The Planning Committee, composed of specialists from each GCC member state, plays a crucial role in coordinating planning and policy matters between the GCCIA and the member states. It is responsible for advising on various planning issues as outlined in the General Agreement and the Power Exchange and Trade Agreement (PETA).
The chairman of the Planning Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors and must be a board member, excluding the chairman of the board or any other subcommittees.
Operations Committee
The Operations Committee, consisting of specialists from each GCC member state, is responsible for coordinating operational processes between the GCCIA and the member states. It provides expert advice on various operational matters as assigned under the General Agreement, the Power Exchange and Trade Agreement (PETA), or referred to by the Authority. The committee's chairman is appointed by the Board of Directors and must be a board member, excluding the chairman of the board or any other subcommittees.